
60th Fifth Episcopal District Lay Convention (SCHEDULE)


District officer Report Template (2017)

Conference President Report Template (2017)

Committee  Report Template (2017)

District Officer’s Reports:

  1. President

  2. 1st Vice President

  3. 2nd Vice President

  4. 3rd Vice President

  5. Recording Secretary

  6. Asst Secretary

  7. Corresponding Secretary

  8. Financial Secretary

  9. Treasurer

  10. Chaplain

  11. Historiographer

  12. Parliamentarian

  13. Director of Lay Activities

  14. Director of Public Relations

  15. Young Adult Representative

Conference President’s Reports:

  1. California Conference (Sue Seldon Ward)

  2. Desert Mountain Conference (Melba Salter)

  3. Missouri Conference (Pamela Williams)

  4. Midwest Conference (Atty. Melvin Jenkins)

  5. Pacific Northwest Conference (Shawlee Lee)

  6. Southern California Conference (Dr

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Standing Committee’s Reports:

  1. Budget & Finance

  2. Legislation

  3. Constitution & By-Laws

  4. Awards & life Members

  5. Scholarship

  6. Rules

  7. Travel Preparedness


59th convention minutes March 2016 – Los Angeles

2017 Lay midyear meeting – Denver