African Methodist Episcopal Church Fifth Episcopal District Lay Organization
January 2025
To: Members of the Fifth Episcopal District
From: Dr. Dorothy Vails-Weber, Scholarship Chairperson
Subject: Fifth Episcopal District Lay Organization Scholarship Program
Dear Members of the Fifth Episcopal District,
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, I greet you on behalf of the Fifth District Lay Organization and the young men and women of the District. The organization has joined with the young people of the district to assist them in “Claiming their inheritance”. With a post- secondary education, the young adults of the Fifth District will have a greater capacity to participate in the multitude of opportunities offered in the 21st century.
It is to this end that we solicit your support on behalf of the young adults of the Fifth Episcopal District. They belong to all of us; clergy and laity: Lay Organizations, Missionary Societies, Presiding Elder’s Councils, Women in Ministry, and the Ministerial Alliances. We solicit the support of your organization at every level of the Fifth Episcopal District; local, conference and Episcopal District.
The Fred J. Stuart scholarship of Achievement is awarded to graduating high school seniors, and the T. Larry Kirkland Scholarship of Excellence is awarded to college students returning to a post-secondary institution. Recently we added two additional scholarships: The Lay Leadership Scholarship, awarded to high school seniors who have demonstrated leadership throughout high school; and the Lay Community Service Scholarship, awarded to high school seniors who are active in their community.
In 2020, a new scholarship was added to the Fifth District Lay Scholarship program; The Bishop’s Graduate Honors Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to graduate students who exemplify outstanding academic success, demonstrated leadership skills and abilities, participation in the local church Lay Organization or other church ministries, community service and a commitment to the mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
During the 2023 scholarship series, we initiated the Conference Leadership Scholarship. Each of the six conferences will select a graduating high school student who demonstrated outstanding leadership in their church, school and community. The Conference Leadership Scholarship will be awarded from the Fifth District Flay Scholarship Fund.
Each scholarship will assist our young adults with much needed financial resources in the pursuits of higher education.
We are prayerful that your organization will make a financial contribution to the Scholarship Fund of the Fifth Episcopal District Lay Organization. Attached are the applications for the five scholarships we offer. We appreciate your support of our young people, and we are already praising God for your generosity.
Blessings & Thanksgiving,
Lamar Rose, President
Dorothy Vails-Weber, Chairperson
5th District Lay Scholarship Information:
The deadline for all scholarships is May 15, 2025
5th District Lay Scholarship Information:
The deadline for all scholarships is May 15, 2025
Click the Scholarship Name to access the information.
5th District Lay Conference Leadership Scholarship Information
Click the Conference Name to access the scholarship information.
All materials must be postmarked or received electronically by May 1, 2025.
Missouri Annual Conference Lay Scholarship 2025
Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Lay Scholarship 2025
California Annual Conference Lay Scholarship 2025
Desert Mountain Annual Conference Lay Scholarship 2025
Midwest Annual Conference Lay Scholarship 2025
Southern California Annual Conference Lay Scholarship 2025
Connectional Lay Scholarship Information
All “Applications” must be submitted to your Episcopal District Scholarship Committee.
5th Episcopal District scholarship applicants should submit your applications to Dorothy Vails-Weber at Deadline for applications is March 15, 2025. For questions and information, contact Dr. Vails-Weber at 619-583-5556.
Jamye Coleman Williams Scholarship
Joseph C. McKinney Scholarship
Previous 5th District Scholarship Awardees
Year | Name | Conference |
Bishop’s Graduate Honors Scholarship | ||
2020 | Natalya Romo | Southern California |
T. Larry Kirkland Scholarship of Excellence | ||
2010-2011 | Andre Richards | Southern California |
2011-2012 | Meryl Williams | Southern California |
2012-2013 | Toure Owen | California Conference |
2013-2014 | Peyton Barber | Mid-West Conference |
2014-2015 | Alexis Williams | Pacific Northwest |
2015-2016 | Toure Owen | California Conference |
2016-2017 | Askia Stewart, Jr. | Desert Mountain |
2017-2018 | Gabrielle Kennedy | Missouri Conference |
2018-2019 | Logan Ruggles | California Conference |
2019-2020 | Shirley Magee | Southern California |
Fred J. Stuart Scholarship of Achievement | ||
2010-2011 | Raven Rutledge | Southern California |
2011-2012 | Kyra Price | Southern California |
2012-2013 | Tonya Russell | Missouri Conference |
2013-2014 | Rukiyah Cotton | Southern California |
2014-2015 | Shaka Terry | Southern California |
2015-2016 | Morganne Watson | California Conference |
2016-2017 | Mikayla Strothers | Missouri Conference |
2017-2018 | Andrew Adegbolo | Southern California |
2018-2019 | Jerimah Riggins | Southern California |
2019-2020 | Ashaya Stewart | Desert Mountain |
Lay Community Service Scholarship | ||
2014-2015 | Ayron Lewellan | Mid-West Conference |
2015-2016 | Azra Carrington | California Conference |
2016-2017 | Samantha Davis | Pacific Northwest |
2017-2018 | No Selection | |
2018-2019 | Aisha Watt | Pacific Northwest |
2019-2020 | Tristyn Stewart | Southern California |
Lay Leadership Scholarship | ||
2014-2015 | Jerry Buck | Missouri Conference |
2015-2016 | DeShon Hill | Missouri Conference |
2016-2017 | Jordan Brown | Missouri Conference |
2017-2018 | Maiyo Taylor-Jackson | California Conference |
2018-2019 | Logan Ruggles | California Conference |
2019-2020 | William Pollard, III | Mid-West Conference |