- Welcome
- Registration Link (Convention Delegates, Alternates, Observers, Clergy)
- Travel
- Transportation & Hotel Details
- Hotel Information (Registration)
- Agenda
- Jazz & Comedy Flyer
District Officer’s Reports:
- President
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- 3rd Vice President
- Recording Secretary
- Asst Recording Secretary
- Corresponding Secretary
- Financial Secretary
- Treasurer
- Chaplain
- Historiographer
- Parliamentarian
- Director of Lay Activities
- Director of Public Relations
- Young Adult Representative
Conference President’s Reports:
- California Annual Conference (Randolph Scott)
- Desert Mountain Annual Conference (Joann Thompson)
- Missouri Annual Conference (Brenda Simpson)
- Midwest Annual Conference (Jo Lee Brooks)
- Pacific Northwest Annual Conference (Bill Dickens)
- Southern California Annual Conference (Linda Smith)
Standing Committee’s Reports:
- Budget & Finance
- Legislation
- Constitution & By-Laws
- Awards & Living Legends
- Scholarship
- Rules
- Travel Preparedness
- AME V-Alert Social Action
- Marshals
- Time & Place
- Public Relations
- Organizational and Officer’s Effectiveness
- Memorial | Lay Memorial Service
- Issues Facing the Church and Nation
- Health
65th Convention Minutes
2023 Midyear Minutes
Training Material:
Info to come…