District Officer’s Reports:

  1. President
  2. 1st Vice President
  3. 2nd Vice President
  4. 3rd Vice President
  5. Recording Secretary
  6. Asst Recording Secretary
  7. Corresponding Secretary
  8. Financial Secretary
  9. Treasurer
  10. Chaplain
  11. Historiographer
  12. Parliamentarian
  13. Director of Lay Activities
  14. Director of Public Relations
  15. Young Adult Representative

Conference President’s Reports:

  1. California Annual Conference (Randolph Scott)
  2. Desert Mountain Annual Conference (Joann Thompson)
  3. Missouri Annual Conference (Brenda Simpson)
  4. Midwest Annual Conference (Jo Lee Brooks)
  5. Pacific Northwest Annual Conference (Bill Dickens)
  6. Southern California Annual Conference (Linda Smith)

Standing Committee’s Reports:

  1. Budget & Finance
  2. Legislation
  3. Constitution & By-Laws
  4. Awards & Living Legends
  5. Scholarship
  6. Rules
  7. Travel Preparedness
  8. AME V-Alert Social Action
  9. Marshals
  10. Time & Place
  11. Public Relations
  12. Organizational and Officer’s Effectiveness
  13. Memorial | Lay Memorial Service
  14. Issues Facing the Church and Nation
  15. Health


66th Convention Minutes

65th Convention Minutes

2023 Midyear Minutes

Training Material:

Info to come…