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Beginning Wednesday, September 28, 2016, the 5th District Nominations Committee (Committee) will be accepting applications for all district offices.  A Letter of Intent should be submitted along with a completed Nomination Form.  See Link to document below.  The Letter of Intent should state the nominee’s interest in the position they are seeking, as well as, the reasons why they are qualified for the position.

All nominees for a district office should mail or email the completed Nomination Form along with a Letter of Intent to the mailing address or email address shown on the application form, on or before January 15, 2017.  If the application is not post-marked by the deadline, it will not be received by the Committee.  Please note that submitting an application does not qualify the nominee as a candidate.  Nominees will be notified via telephone or email certifying their candidacy no later than February 15, 2017.

Contacted Sharrilyn Rose at 314-795-6923 or with any questions you might have.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharrilyn Rose

Committee Chair

5th District Nomination Form 2017-2021 (MS Word)

5th District Nomination Form 2017-2021 (PDF)