3rd Vice President, Personal Evangelism:

To evangelize means to proclaim the good news of the gospel of Christ. Jesus in giving the Great Commission to the eleven apostles says in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you.”

Each of the eleven served their Master faithfully, fulfilling his command and dedicating their lives to bringing the gospel of Christ to the nations. And that same charge has come down through the centuries to us. We must not allow our friends and loved ones, nor strangers, to pass from this world without hearing the good news – that Jesus lives and will save us from our sins.

We are all Evangelists

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. And, our mission as such, must be to help the Lay and all laity to discover and better understand their faith in Christ. To accomplish this, we must strive for clarity and a better understanding of the ten most basic fundamentals of Christianity. Those fundamentals being the Bible; God; Jesus Christ; the Death and Resurrection of Jesus; Man and Sin; Salvation; the Holy Spirit; Angels, Satan, and Demons; the Church; and Future Things that are to Come.

With a clearer understanding and knowledge of these basic fundamentals, we can go forward joyfully and more effectively sharing the good news of the sovereign love of God in doing our best to fulfill Jesus Command, to teach and make disciples of all men.

Barbara Moore
5th Episcopal District 3rd Vice President Lay Organization